Monday, September 14, 2009

Started 1st day.... in different industry.... so far everything looks good except that I walk more and do more stuffs. colleagues are great, she taught me alot of stuffs although she is only 3months old in that workplace. She brought me to whole building and told me every single procedures and we had lunch together. Lady boss make sure I am taken care of while familiarizing myself to the new environment!! At least I know where I am... what I will be expecting to do... surroundings environment is a bit old but the people are friendly... they won't wait for you to ask but they will approach and say "if you need anything you can ask me.... don't worry bout disturbing although my table a bit messed up" Well, I felt happy and blessed that ppl ere are not self-centered! I am blessed that I have spacious working table too.. well, they r in middle relocating every dept so for time being... me n J r chucked into another level without any supervisory! Owh... we use fingerprints to clock in & out... cool!

well... let's see what's tomorrow... As expected, my responsibility are quite big, cases of complaints are all taken care in a very professional way and I am expected to be tip top for the organization! Workloads .... challenging!!!

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