1st time in history
My heart really tremble until now... I just experienced a robbery case from my neighbour's house. I was sleeping actually and then my dad was making some noise so I got up and realized that my aunt saw my neighbour's( Yap's family) maid was on the floor with all tied up and her eyes covered with cloths. I called the police (seriously my
(That's my dad!)
voice was shivering too!) and the police turn up in about 7min time. (slow huh?). Then my house suddenly became a showhouse, all passerby stopped and check out what was happening especially when 2 police car stop in front of my house.... honestly I feel unsecure now.
The Power of GOD!
few days back, I almost met an accident. yeah, very close one. But thank GOD I manage to escape from the tragedy but unlucky that my car behind was bang by another car behind and it ended up as a big accident there. I guess 4cars involved into this case. I drove away coz I was not involved. It was so early in the morning, driving on the fast lane (BUT NOT FAST) during peak hours and suddenly the car in front of me jam break in sudden and I manage to stop by swifting my car slightly to the left and the car behind swifted to right but it was unfortunate for the drive behind coz another car behind did not manage to stop! So.... it went Boom!bOom! Boom! ( I saw it with my eyes through back mirror!) I was traumatized a while....but I really want to thank GOD for saving my life....